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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Research Data Base [ 521 - 560 of 639 Entries ]
521Shelden V E, Shelden R G (1989)
Sexual abuse of males by females: The problem, treatment modality, and case example.
Family Therapy 16(3): 249-258
522Sheoran P (2016)
Effectiveness of NLP in Dealing with Guilt Induced Anxiety, Depression and Stress: A Case Study.
The International Journal of Indian Psychology 4(1): 147-156
523Sheth T (2017)
Non-verbal Communication: A significant aspect of Proficient Occupation.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 22(11): 69-72
524Shobin M Z (1980)
An investigation of the effects of verbal pacing on initial therapeutic rapport.
Dissertation Abstracts International 41(5), A Boston University School of Education (Order = 8024158): 101
525Shorer-Zeltser M, Ben-Israel Fixler G M (2008)
Applications of Content and NLP Techniques Analyses on Religious Internet Content.
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 8(9): 13-26
526Simon H A (1974)
How Big Is a Chunk?
Science 183(4124): 482-488
527Simons R F, Detenber B H, Reiss J E, Shults C W (2000)
Image motion and context: a between- and within-subjects comparison.
Psychophysiology 37(5): 706-710
528Simons R F, Detenber B H, Roedema T M, Reiss J E (1999)
Emotion processing in three systems: the medium and the message.
Psychophysiology 36(5): 619-627
529Simpson S D R, Dryden W (2011)
Comparison between REBT and Visual/Kinaesthetic Dissociation in the Treatment of Panic Disorder: An Empirical Study.
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 29(3): 158-176
530Singh A, Abraham A (2008)
Neuro linguistic programming: A key to business excellence.
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 19(1&2) - Routledge: 141-149
531Skinner H (2005)
Wish you were here? Some problems associated with integrating marketing communications when promoting place brands.
Place Branding 1: 299-315
532Skinner H, Croft R (2009)
Neuro-linguistic programming techniques to improve the self-efficacy of undergraduate dissertation students.
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 1(1) - University of Glamorgan: 29-38
533Skinner H, Stephens P (2003)
Speaking the same language: the relevance of neuro-linguistic programming to effective marketing communications.
Journal of Marketing Communications 9(3) - Routledge: 177-192
534Slater M, Usoh M (1993)
Representations Systems, Perceptual Position, and Presence in Immersive Virtual Environments.
Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 2(3): 221-233
535Slavit M R (1983)
The effects of assessing and utilizing preferred sensory modality: an experiment with relaxation training.
Dissertation Abstracts International 44(9), 2907-B University of Texas at Austin (Pub = AAC8329874): 136
536Sommer C (2002)
Uncommon-sense coaching.
In Grodzki, Lynn (Ed.), The new private practice. New York: W. W. Norton & Co, Inc
537Sorensen L B, Greve T, Kreutzer M, Pedersen U, Nielsen C M, Toubro S, Astrup A (2011)
Weight maintenance through behaviour modification with a cooking course or neurolinguistic programming.
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research 72(4): 181-185
538Spector F, Maurer D (2009)
Synesthesia: a new approach to understanding the development of perception.
Developmental Psychology 45(1): 175-189
539Sperber K (1983)
The language of empathy.
Dissertation Abstracts International 45(2), 688-B University of Maine (Pub = AAC8412526): 173
540Spiroiu F (2018)
The Impact of Beliefs Concerning Deception on Perceptions of Nonverbal Behavior: Implications for Neuro-Linguistic Programming-Based Lie Detection.
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 33(3): 244-256
541Stanton H E (1988)
Treating phobias rapidly with Bandler's theatre technique.
Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 16(2): 153-160
542Stanton H E (1989)
Using rapid change techniques to improve sporting performance.
Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 17(2): 153-161.
543Stanton H E (1996)
Combining hypnosis and NLP in the treatment of telephone phobia.
Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 24(1): 53-58
544Stanton H E (1997)
Adorning the clinched fist.
Contemporary Hypnosis 14(3): 189-194
545Starker S, Pankratz L (1996)
Soundness of treatment: a survey of psychologists' opinions.
Psychological Reports 78(1): 288-290
546Steenkamp M M, Litz B T, Hoge C W, Marmar C R (2015)
Psychotherapy for Military-Related PTSD A Review of Randomized Clinical Trials.
JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association 314(5): 489-500
547Stel M, Dijk E van, Olivier E (2009)
You Want to Know the Truth? Then Don't Mimic!
Psychological Science 20(6): 693-699
548Stel M, van Dijk E, Smith P K, van Dijk W W, Djalal F M (2012)
Lowering the Pitch of Your Voice Makes You Feel More Powerful and Think More Abstractly.
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3(4): 497-502
549Sterman C M (1990)
A specific neuro-linguistic programming technique effective in the treatment of alcoholism.
In Sterman, Chelly M (Ed.), Neuro-linguistic programming in alcoholism treatment. Binghamton, NY, US: The Haworth Press, Inc
550Sterman C M (1991)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming as Psychotherapeutik Treatment in Working with Alcohol and Other Drug Addicted Families.
Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment 4(1): 73-85
551Stipancic M, Renner W, Schütz P, Dond R (2010)
Effects of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy on psychological difficulties and perceived quality of life.
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 10(1) - Routledge: 39-49
552Strack F, Schwarz N, Gschneidinger E (1985)
Happiness and reminiscing: The role of time perspective, affect, and mode of thinking.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49(6): 1460-1469
553Strait D L, Chan K, Ashley R, Kraus N (2012)
Specialization among the specialized: Auditory brainstem function is tuned in to timbre.
Cortex 48(3): 360-362
554Struwig E, van Breda A D (2012)
An Exploratory Study on the Use of Eye Movement Integration Therapy in Overcoming Childhood Trauma.
Families in Society 93(1): 29-37
555Sturt J, Ali S, Robertson W, Metcalfe D, Grove A, Bourne C, Bridle C (2012)
Neurolinguistic programming: a systematic review of the effects on health outcomes.
British Journal of General Practice 62(604): e757-e764
556Sturt J, Rogers R, Armour C, Cameron D, De Rijk L, Fiorentino F, Forbes T, Glen C, Grealish A, Kreft J, Meye de Souza I, Spikol E, Tzouvara V, Greenberg N (2023)
Reconsolidation of traumatic memories protocol compared to trauma&
8209;focussed cognitive behaviour therapy for post&
557Sumin A N, Khairedinova O P, Sumina L, Variushkina E V, Doronin D V, Galimzianov D (2000)
Psychotherapy impact on effectiveness of in-hospital physical rehabilitation in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Klin Med (Mosk) 78(6): 16-20
558Sun M B (1988)
A study for development of a methodological process and the use of certified NLP practitioners in assessing the consistency of NLP programmers rating eye movements.
Dissertation Abstracts International 49(11): 3341
559Suthers M (2000)
Our personal space.
Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg. 15: 280-283
560Swets J A, Bjork R A (1990)
Enhancing human performance: An evaluation of "New Age" techniques considered by the U.S. army.
Psychological Science 1(2): 85-86
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